Today TV is one of main parts of our lives. From gathering news, to entertainment, we use TV in all aspects of our life.
You could buy a TV set for your home and setup its antenna, however, it is not resonable for a large organization to buy hundreds of TV sets and setup antenna for each of them. So this organizations use another solution called Cable TV.
Old system drawbacks
Although this old and classic system is very popular, but it has some major drawbacks such as:
- It is costly to install Cable TV cabling, and it requires some construction operations in your building.
- Usually, you have more than one computer set in each room, but you should pay again to buy TV sets for each room.
- If you want to record TV sets also, you should buy recorder sets also.
- You can't have any authorizaion in this scheme. If anybody hooks up its TV set to cable TV, he/she could watch any available TV channels on the system.
- You need many satellite receivers and dishes to put channels on the cable TV system.
Modern age, Modern solutions!
The LanTV solution from IDEANO, solved all this drawbacks at once. This solution is based on streaming TV over network, and watching it with existing computer sets.
In this solution, the LanTV server device sits directly between satellite dishes and local lan network. Although this solution is not completely new, but LanTV introduced many new optimizations that we will introduce them later in this article.
This new architecture has many benifits, such as:
- There is no need to install new cabling for Cable TV, the TV will be available through the interanet computer network.
- There is no need to buy new TV sets. You could use your existing computer sets, to watch TV also.
- There is no need to buy new video recorder sets, because you could record with your computers also.
- Each LanTV server would work as many satellite receivers. with the multiplexing feature of DVB-S, and upto 28 inputs of LanTV server, the device plays role of 400 satellite receivers or more, and you will save cost of many dish installations.
- The LanTV system has user management subsystem. You could define users, enable/disable them, the channels that each user is authorized to see, and even user features, such as record right.
- You could control any aspect of LanTV system, from a single computer, from any point of network.
- You could watch more than one TV channel simultaneously on your computer screen.
- Because LanTV does not encode/recode picture, the picture quality is exactly the same of the transmitted picture from TV station. This means you use the encoding quality of a 30,000$ or more MPEG-II encoder installed in TV station! And you have the broadcast quality picture right at your desktop.
- There are load of companion softwares, such as VideoWall, for viewing and recordign up to 16 simultaneous TV channels in your screen, or Recorder, which could record more than 40 TV channels simultaneously.
Stream to network, View from computer!
One of the great advantages of LanTV system, is you don't need any special hardware in the clients side.